The Shining Star Awards: 2023 Winners | Sarcoma UK
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Sarcoma UK Shining Star Awards

Any community is only as strong as the people who belong to it.

The winners and nominees for the first Shining Star Awards are inspirational people and organisations who are playing their part in the success of Sarcoma UK.

Congratulations and thank you. 

Lifetime Achievement Award: Professor Ian Judson

Before his retirement in 2016, Professor Judson had been treating patients with sarcoma for 25 years as Head of the Sarcoma Unit at the Royal Marsden. He has conducted many clinical trials in this area and was a founder member of the British Sarcoma Group, and President until 2015. He is a former board member of Sarcoma UK.

Partnership of the Year: The Analyst

Financial services company The Analyst has donated over £1 million to Sarcoma UK, and their support has gone well beyond fundraising and awareness. This relationship is the legacy of Jonny Scriven, who was diagnosed with advanced sarcoma while the company was being established by Managing Partner and Founder Mark Hiley. Mark and his colleague Neil Madden raised more than £5,824 by running the London Marathon in 2021.


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