Distal and Proximal humeral replacement | Sarcoma UK
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Distal and Proximal humeral replacement

Distal Humeral Replacement


As surgery for sarcoma is individual for each patient, rehabilitation will be tailored to each patient accordingly. The information given in this section is a general guide and individual cases should be discussed with your rehabilitation team. Further rehabilitation information appropriate to your hospital can be found by clicking the link at the end of this section.

After a distal humeral replacement (DHR) you will be seen by a physiotherapist. This is usually the day after surgery.  They will teach you the appropriate exercises to do and also tell you about your rehabilitation plan. It is very important you do the exercises to make sure you get the best possible function from your new joint. They will also ensure that you are wearing your sling correctly.

You will have some restrictions after surgery and will be required to wear a sling. Please click on the link to your individual hospital at the end of this section to see what restrictions you may have after surgery.

You will also be seen by an occupational therapist whilst in hospital who will discuss how you will manage your activities of daily living after discharge. They will suggest any methods that will enable you to continue with as many of your normal daily living activities as possible and will assess you for any equipment that you may require. They may also refer you to your local social services for further assessment.

You will be given exercises to do at home after discharge and it is extremely important that you do these regularly to make sure you get the best possible outcome from your surgery. You will also be referred for ongoing physiotherapy as an outpatient at a location that is most convenient for you.

You will be referred to all members of the rehabilitation team that are appropriate for your individual case. However if you feel that assessment by any of the other team members may be beneficial to you, please speak to your physiotherapist, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or medical team who will be able to refer you.

You may be able to obtain more specific information about rehabilitation after DHR from the hospital where you are having/have had surgery by clicking on the appropriate link below.


Proximal Humeral Replacement


As surgery for sarcoma is individual for each patient, rehabilitation will be tailored to each patient accordingly. The information given in this section is a general guide and individual cases should be discussed with your rehabilitation team. Further rehabilitation information appropriate to your hospital can be found by clicking the link at the end of this section.

After a proximal humeral replacement (PHR) you will be seen by a physiotherapist. This is usually the day after surgery.  They will teach you the appropriate exercises to do and also tell you about your rehabilitation plan. It is very important you do the exercises to make sure you get the best possible function from your new joint. They will also ensure that you are wearing your sling correctly.

You will have some restrictions after surgery and will be required to wear a sling. Please click on the link to your individual hospital at the end of this section to see what restrictions you may have after surgery.

You will also be seen by an occupational therapist whilst in hospital who will discuss how you will manage your activities of daily living after discharge. They will suggest any methods that will enable you to continue with as many of your normal daily living activities as possible and will assess you for any equipment that you may require. They may also refer you to your local social services for further assessment.

You will be given exercises to do at home after discharge and it is extremely important that you do these regularly to make sure you get the best possible outcome from your surgery. You will also be referred for ongoing physiotherapy as an outpatient at a location that is most convenient for you.

You will be referred to all members of the rehabilitation team that are appropriate for your individual case. However if you feel that assessment by any of the other team members may be beneficial to you, please speak to your physiotherapist, Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or medical team who will be able to refer you.

You may be able to obtain more specific information about rehabilitation after PHR from the hospital where you are having/have had surgery.


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