Walk For... | Sarcoma UK
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Walk For...

Walk For hope, Walk For you, Walk For them and do 55 miles this October.

At Sarcoma UK, we know too well what it is like to be affected by cancer – any kind of cancer – it’s why we are determined to ensure that everyone gets the best treatment, care, information and support available and to create the treatments of the future.

Let’s come together in October and Walk For our loved ones.

Cover 55 miles throughout 31 days this October and raise funds for people affected by bone and soft tissue cancer.

Join our private Facebook Group and we’ll give you all the details to sign up.

55 miles in 31 days

Claim your FREE t-shirt!


About the challenge

What is the Walk For Challenge? 

The challenge is to do 55miles (88.51km) in 31 days – come rain, wind, or shine — and raise vital funds and awareness for the bone and soft tissue cancer charity, Sarcoma UK.

Do I have to do the miles every day?

Absolutely not! This is your challenge, to test yourself. You can split up and do the miles however you like. 

Can I start the challenge late or early? What if I miss a day?

We will be encouraging people to take part throughout October and continue for 31 days. However, you can start whenever you like. If you miss a day or need to extend your challenge you can continue into November or December. 

How can I keep track of the distance I am doing throughout the 31 days?

There are several free apps you can use to track your distance over the month, including the iPhone Health app, Fitbit or Strava.

We have also created a tracker for you to download, print off and tick off the days you have completed your miles. You can find it on the GoogleDrive here.

Do I need to provide evidence to the charity that I have completed the challenge?

We trust that you will be honest with how many miles you have completed, but we recommend sharing your progress with friends and family to encourage them to sponsor you!

Who can take part in the challenge?

You will need to be 18 years or above to register for this challenge and to set up a fundraising page. However, under 18s are more than welcome to join for the challenge accompanied by an adult. A reasonable level of fitness is required to complete 55 miles in 31 days, but it should be accessible to most. That said, each participant should go at their own pace.

What safety precautions should I take?

Safety is the top priority when taking part in this challenge. You know yourself best and we encourage you to think about the distance you walk per session and whether it is appropriate to you and your body. As this is an autumnal challenge, the weather isn’t always reliable, you should think about taking precautions that will keep you safe. For example, ensuring you have comfortable shoes and clothing, your clothes should be reflective when walking in the dark.  You could also get friends and family involved in the challenge by joining you on any longer walks and in the dark.

My loved one had a different cancer. Can I still take part?


At Sarcoma UK, we know too well what it is like to lose a loved one to cancer – any kind of cancer – it’s why we are determined to ensure that everyone gets the best treatment, care, information and support available and to create the treatments of the future.

Cancer – all forms of cancer –  takes too many from us, but we will never forget the people we have lost. We at Sarcoma UK invite you to celebrate the lives of those we have lost to cancer and help ensure that more people will survive in the future.

How do I take part?

How do I sign up?

To take part in the challenge, follow this link to register and set up a fundraising page: sarcoma.org.uk/walkforgroup

Then  join the Facebook group to meet the community of people taking on the challenge with you. Join here.

Once you have joined the Facebook Group, you will see a featured post which has the link to register and claim your free t-shirt.

I don’t have Facebook. Can I still take part?

Yes! You can take part in the Challenge in other ways too. You can set up a JustGiving page instead of Facebook Fundraiser and share that with your friends. There’s a Facebook Group for people taking on the challenge, but that’s optional too. Tell us your email address so we can send you your link to get your t-shirt and pack. Do it your way, and we are here to help you – online or off!

Sign up via JustGiving here.

How do I get my t-shirt?

How do I order my t-shirt? 

When you fill out the registration, you will automatically be sent a free top, personalised with the name/ letters you requested.

Please note that the t-shirts are limited to one per order as we do have a limited supply of t-shirts, unfortunately when our stock has run out we don’t have anymore.  Everyone who would like a top must register first.

You can register here.

How long will my t-shirt take to arrive?

Your t-shirt will take 1 to 2 weeks to arrive once you have placed your order.

What happens when the t-shirts run out?

Unfortunately, when the t-shirts run out, that’s it, we do not have any more stock available. You will however still receive your fundraising pack and tracker, which you can print at home.

How do I raise funds?

How do I set up a Facebook Fundraiser?

It’s really easy, and takes a couple of clicks. Follow this link to register and set up a fundraiser.

How do I set up a JustGiving page?

Sign up via JustGiving here.

Is there a minimum fundraising target?

There is no minimum fundraising amount, raise whatever you like.

How much of the donations go directly to the charity?

100% of the donations from your Facebook Fundraiser and JustGiving page will come directly to Sarcoma UK, the bone and soft tissue cancer charity.

Can we fundraise as a group?

Yes. If you would like to fundraise as a group, then the lead fundraiser should complete the registration form and set up a fundraiser.

This page can be shared on behalf of the group. To receive your free t-shirts, please then email fundraising@sarcoma.org.uk with a link to your fundraiser and all the names and emails of everyone taking part.

How do I get people to sponsor me? 

Once you have set up your fundraiser, make sure to share it on your social media channels with your friends, family, and colleagues. Let them know how important this challenge is to you and how vital the money raised is to bone and soft tissue cancer patients and their loved ones. Check out our fundraising pack with more tips and tricks too.

I don’t want to use Facebook Fundraiser. How else can I fundraise for the challenge? 

You can fundraise offline using a sponsorship form, or you can set up a JustGiving page here.

How can someone donate who is not on Facebook? 

You could ask them to give you the donation and then to add this to your fundraising page yourself. Or just ask them to donate through our website, JustGiving or via a cheque.

Please note Sarcoma UK do not have the ability to add offline donations to Facebook donate fundraisers.

How can I access the shareables?

How do I access the shareables?

They are all saved on the shared GoogleDrive, you can then download them and follow these instructions to personalise them.

Who do I contact if I need help to personalise the images?

If you’re struggling to follow the instructions of how to personalise any of the images, please email fundraising@sarcoma.org.uk

Ready to take part?


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