Research Workshop Scheme | Sarcoma UK
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Research Workshop Scheme

Lab researcher with syringeWe achieve more in collaboration.

Our Research Workshop Scheme offers funding to facilitate meetings, promote research ideas and give sarcoma researchers the space to meet, discuss ideas, brainstorm questions and plan research applications.

The overall aim is to increase funded sarcoma research, improve patient care and increase treatment options.

About this funding opportunity

Sarcoma UK has funding available for up to four workshop grants in 2023-24.

If successful, you will be sent a letter of commitment confirming the funding committed, date of the workshop event and terms, including the follow-up schedule. Workshops should ideally be held within 6 months of agreement and expenses forms must be submitted to Sarcoma UK before 31 March 2025.

Grants are available for up to £3000 and can be used to fund;

  • Venue and equipment hire
  • Catering costs
  • Travel and accommodation expenses
  • Hire of external facilitator
  • Materials
  • Childcare provisions

These funds cannot be used to attend a sarcoma meeting, conference, symposium, workshop or research event held by another organisation. Funds should also not be requested for reimbursement of time or salary costs for speakers or presenters. It can be used to hold a sarcoma specific research session at another meeting, subject to agreement from the organiser main event. If you are unsure about the eligibility of our application, please email Sarcoma UK’s Research Team at

How to apply and assessment process

Please get in touch with us to complete an Application Form and return it to us at by Thursday 25th January at 12pm midday. Applications received after this deadline will not be accepted.

We will acknowledge your application within 4 working days. We aim to notify applicants of the outcome of their application by late February 2024, and successful applicants will be sent an agreement.


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