Political Voice of the Year | Sarcoma UK
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Shining Star Awards: Political Voice of the Year

Winner: Marion Fellows MP

Marion is the SNP MP for Motherwell and Wishaw. Her husband George died from sarcoma in 2018. In October 2022, Marion used Parliamentary Questions to ask how the Health Department will improve outcomes for children with sarcoma in England and increase awareness about sarcoma and other childhood cancers with the public and primary care professionals. In April 2023, Marion co-hosted an early diagnosis event at the Houses of Parliament. 

Laura Farris MP

Laura Farris MP

Laura is the Conservative MP for Newbury. Her brother George was diagnosed with sarcoma in 2014. Laura co-hosted and gave a speech at Sarcoma UK’s early diagnosis parliamentary reception in January 2023 at the House of Commons. The event highlighted the importance of early diagnosis, aiming to give anyone with sarcoma the best chance of survival. 


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