Looking after yourself as a parent of a child with sarcoma | Sarcoma UK
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Looking after yourself as a parent of a child with sarcoma

Caring for a child with sarcoma is challenging.

Taking care of yourself helps you to be there for your child and family.

Here are some practical ways to look after yourself during this difficult time.


Managing hospital visits

Before the visit

Pack a comfort item for yourself, such as a book, headphones, or your favourite jumper. Having something familiar can help you feel more at ease in the hospital environment.

During the visit

Take notes or record conversations (with permission) during hospital appointments. This will help you to focus on the discussion without worrying about remembering every detail later.

After the visit

Debrief with a person you trust. Talking through what you’ve learned can help you process information and manage your emotions.

“The first month was a complete whirlwind and he hardly left the hospital, but as we got used to the travelling, the treatments and the side effects and as the amazing NHS staff become your family, you get through it, one treatment at a time.”

– Parent of a young person with sarcoma

Other ways to support yourself


Create a bedtime routine, even when staying at the hospital. This might include reading a book, listening to calming music, or doing light stretches. A consistent routine can signal to your body that it’s time to rest, even in unfamiliar surroundings.

Connect with others

Join a support group for parents of children with sarcoma. Sharing experiences with others who understand your situation could help you to feel less alone.

Sarcoma UK have collaborated with a support group for parents of a child, teenager or adult who has (or has had) sarcoma.

Manage stress

Practice 5-minute meditation or deep breathing exercises. These quick stress-relief techniques can be done anywhere, and can help you stay calm during challenging moments.

Organise help

Accept the help that others offer you. Young Lives vs Cancer have a flyer called ‘How can I help?’ that you can give to family, friends and colleagues. It contains great tips and guidance on how people can best offer practical and emotional support to you.

Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish. It’s essential for providing the best care for your child. If you need more support or information, speak to our support line team.


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