Sarcoma UK State of the Nation: Call for Evidence | Sarcoma UK
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Sarcoma UK State of the Nation: Call for Evidence

Help improve NHS sarcoma services

Sarcoma UK is gathering views on NHS sarcoma care across the UK. Your experiences are crucial in shaping future improvements. This will help us to better understand how well the NHS is doing and what it needs to improve.

We are seeking evidence from the following stakeholders

  • Healthcare professionals that deliver primary and secondary care or specialist sarcoma care: GPs, radiologists, oncologists, surgeons, physiotherapists, Sarcoma Clinical Nurse Specialists.
  • Ministers and government departments that each make health policy respectively for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and relevant elected representatives and select committee chairs, which scrutinise government policy.
  • National NHS organisations that oversee the delivery of health policy and specialist sarcoma services: NHS England, NHS Scotland, NHS Wales, and Health and Social Care Northern Ireland.
  • Local NHS organisations/representatives which plan, commission, coordinate or oversee delivery of NHS services at a local level, including specialist sarcoma services: Integrated care boards in England, integrated joint boards in Scotland and local health boards in Wales; also, local NHS managers and Cancer Alliances.
  • Researchers: Experts in sarcoma research or treatment, working on different stages, i.e. early diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment, survival and outcome, including those with experience in international/comparative sarcoma care provision.
  • Other charities, advocacy and Support Groups: e.g. Bone Cancer Research Trust, GIST Cancer UK, other cancer charities, and Sarcoma Support Groups.

Will you be seeking any other views or evidence?

Yes, we are asking patients, family members and carers are invited to complete a separate form

We will also be asking governments and the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as charities, to send us their responses in writing.

How will we use your information?

Your responses will:

  • Be combined with other feedback and evidence
  • Help create a comprehensive report on sarcoma care
  • Inform the recommendations of the report and allow us to tell governments and the NHS in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, what is good about sarcoma care and what needs to improve, helping to ensure that everyone with sarcoma receives the best care possible.

Survey details


This form is for healthcare professionals; ministers and government departments; and national or local NHS organisations/representatives which plan, commission, coordinate or oversee delivery of NHS services; researchers; pathologists; other charities, advocacy and Support Groups. Please submit by January 6, 2025


Health policy and sarcoma care

Data on sarcoma prevalence and treatment

Role of healthcare professionals in sarcoma diagnosis

Sarcoma referral pathways and access to specialist sarcoma services

Public awareness and knowledge of sarcoma

NHS workforce planning and training for sarcoma care

Research and new treatments

Genomic testing in sarcoma care

Coordination of physical and mental healthcare

Recovery, long-term support and palliative care


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