The 2021 Virgin Money London Marathon is aiming to be the biggest marathon staged anywhere in the world, with 100,000 runners taking part. As well as the traditional route, London Marathon Events are also holding a virtual race giving participants the opportunity to take on the world’s greatest marathon on the course of your choice.
- Date: 3 October 2021
- Registration fee: Free
- Sponsorship: £150
- Why run the Virtual London Marathon? Make history by taking part in the very first London Marathon hybrid event. Run, walk, take breaks, the pressure is off. Complete the miles and the world famous medal is yours!
- Apply now
You will have 23 hours and 59minutes to complete your 26.2miles, meaning you can complete the miles at different times throughout the day, walk, take breaks or a mixture. As long as you complete the marathon you will earn yourself a world-famous medal, t-shirt and be a part of history. It’s your run, your way.
When you join Team Sarcoma, you will receive personal support, fundraising materials and loads of enthusiastic advice from start to finish and beyond!
Have any questions, maybe you have your own place in the race, we’d love to hear from you! Just email the London Marathon team at