All about leaving a gift in your will | Sarcoma UK
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All about leaving a gift in your will

Making a will is something that lots of people put off. However, a will is one of the most important documents you will ever write. By creating a will, you can decide what happens to your money and possessions, it’s the only way to ensure that your intentions are carried out.

How do you write your will?

Writing a will is straightforward and before you get started, there are a few things to consider. These include what you have to leave and who you’d like
to leave it to.

Is leaving a legacy right for me?

Only you can decide that. Legacies are wonderful and thoughtful gifts but they are not right for everyone. We would rather you looked after all of your loved ones before considering a gift for Sarcoma UK.

Are legacies supposed to be big gifts?

They don’t have to be. Some people may leave everything they own to a charity, and others may leave a small amount of money. We are grateful for each gift.

Why do people leave a gift in their will to charities?

Legacies left to charities make a vital difference. For some people leaving a gift in a will to our charity is seen as a tribute or a dedication to someone affected by sarcoma. It might also be a way for some people to ensure others do not have to face sarcoma  in the future. Other people might want to improve the lives of everybody affected by sarcoma after they have passed away. Whatever your reason for supporting, your gift will make a lasting impact to Sarcoma UK’s vital work.

What is Octopus Legacy?

We have partnered with Octopus Legacy who offer support and advice with writing your free will through an accredited legal firm. When you make your will, you can ensure your family and friends benefit exactly as you wish. Leave a gift in your will and you can do some good for Sarcoma UK too. Visit

Do I need to update my will?

Checking your will regularly is always a good idea, especially if your circumstances have changed. For example, if you have recently got married, divorced or separated, or there’s been a new arrival or death in the family, or even a change in your financial circumstances, you may need to amend your will.

What is Inheritance Tax and will it affect my will?

Inheritance tax is the amount of money that will need to be paid from your estate if it is worth over a certain amount. Inheritance tax thresholds do change from time to time so please check for the latest information

“It is due to Daniel’s extraordinary ability to deal with such a life changing diagnosis along with the wonderful care he received from the Beatson Cancer Centre in Glasgow and in particular the Sarcoma Team that we wish to leave gifts in our wills to Sarcoma UK that will enable more research into this terrible disease.”

Sarah and Rod Hunter parents of Daniel who was diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma in July 2021 aged 27 on why they chose to support Sarcoma UK in their will.

How to leave a gift

If you choose to write your will with Octopus Legacy, they will help you decide what sort of legacy you could leave based on your circumstances.

There are three kinds of legacies: a percentage gift, a fixed amount and a specific gift.

Percentage gift

You can leave a percentage (residuary gift) of your estate, after any taxes or costs have been subtracted. This type of gift is most favourable for most people because it is a percentage rather than an exact amount. This means it will not lose its value through inflation or if your financial situation changes. Even just 1% of your will can help patients affected by sarcoma.

If you would like to leave a percentage gift here is some suggested wording to put in your will:

I give […]% of my residue of my real and personal estate to Sarcoma UK (Registered Charity number: 1139869 and in Scotland SC044260) of 1 St John’s Lane, London, EC1M 4AR and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer of proper officer for the time being of Sarcoma UK shall be a complete discharge to my executors.

Fixed gift

You can leave a fixed amount of money (pecuniary gift), otherwise known as a cash gift. Remember, this might be affected by inflation, but by regularly reviewing your will, you can check the value isn’t lost over time.

If you would like to leave a fixed gift, here is some suggested wording to put in your will:

give the sum of […in words…] pounds [£…in figures…] to Sarcoma UK (Registered Charity number: 1139869 and in Scotland SC044260) of 1 St John’s Lane, London, EC1M 4AR and the receipt of the Honorary Treasurer of proper officer for the time being of Sarcoma UK shall be a complete discharge to my executors.

Specific gift

These are particular items of anything that is of financial or sentimental value to you. For example: a personal possession, land, property, jewellery or stocks and shares.

Don’t forget to describe the item precisely to ensure your wishes are met.

If you’d like to leave a specific gift, here’s some suggested wording to put in your will:
I give to Sarcoma UK (Registered charity number 1139869 and in Scotland SC044260) of 1 St John’s Lane, London, EC1M 4AR absolutely, my [… name and description of item…]

We offer free will writing services to all our supporters. Visit Octopus Legacy for legal advice and to make a will that is suitable for your needs.

To find out more about writing your will and how your legacy will make a difference to Sarcoma UK, download our ‘Gift in wills’ guide or order your printed guide on our website.

If you have any questions, please contact Emma and Sarah at or call 0207 7856 0445 and select the option to speak to Fundraising.


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