Gift Aid FAQ | Sarcoma UK
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Gift Aid FAQ

Gift Aid makes a huge difference to our work.

Last year alone, Gift Aid to Sarcoma UK was worth


When you tick yes to Gift Aid, it boosts your donation by 25% at no extra cost to you.


You must be a UK taxpayer for your donations to be eligible.


The money you donate must be:

  • your own
  • not in return for goods or services e.g. a charity t-shirt or ticket to a charity event
  • not raised from an event such as a bake sale (see sponsorship donations below)
  • For Sarcoma UK to receive Gift Aid, you need to have paid at least the same amount of income tax or capital gains tax as the amount Sarcoma UK will to claim in Gift Aid.
    For example, when Sarcoma UK claims Gift Aid on a £10 donation, you must have paid at least £2.50 in tax that year.

More information about Gift Aid

How do I add Gift Aid to my donations?

If you have donated to us in the past, but forgot to tick the box, click here to complete a Gift Aid declaration. We’ll take care of the rest.

For any future donations you plan to make, remember to tick ‘yes’ for Gift Aid when asked on the donation form!

Which donations can have Gift Aid applied?

Sarcoma UK will claim Gift Aid on any eligible donations you have made to us, as long as they fit the criteria above.

If the donation was made directly to us via our website, you will have indicated if you want us to claim Gift Aid at the time you made the donation.

If you donated to us in another way e.g. via JustGiving or other fundraising platform, your Gift Aid declaration would have been collected and handled by them.

If you forgot to tick ‘yes’, we may still be able to claim Gift Aid on your behalf, you’ll just need to complete a declaration form by clicking here!

If you are donating money for collections or other purposes, please see below for further information on how Gift Aid might be applicable.

What if I am donating money from sponsorship or an event?

If you are collecting money at an event or fundraiser, please get in touch at and we can send you sponsorship forms to help make your supporter’s donations go further with Gift Aid

What if I am a Pensioner?

You may still be paying tax on your income, so your donations may still be eligible if you are paying enough tax.

What if I donate via Payroll Giving?

If you donate to us via a Payroll Giving scheme, any donations you give through the scheme will be taken before Income Tax is taken off.

As tax is not applied to these donations, they are not eligible for Gift Aid.

What if I am a higher-rate taxpayer?

If you’re a higher-rate taxpayer, you can claim back the difference between the tax you’ve paid on the donation and what the charity got back when you fill in your Self Assessment tax return.

Please get in touch at if you require information about the donations you have made to us.

Can Gift Aid be claimed on money I leave in my will?

Unfortunately money given via a will is not eligible for Gift Aid

Any other questions

To find out even more about gift aid, please visit


Please get in touch and we will do our best to support.

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