Sarcoma UK values each and every person with whom we come in contact. We are committed to listening to our supporters and ensuring that we address any problems that arise promptly and with due care.
Occasionally, things can go wrong and if you feel you have a concern about any aspect of our service to you, this policy outlines what you can do and how we will respond.
We believe that by listening to and understanding your concerns, you will help us to build a more effective and supporter-focused charity.
What is a complaint?
Sarcoma UK defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by Sarcoma UK or its staff, which would require a formal response. This can include, but is not limited to complaints about the following:
- The level of service provided
- The behaviour of staff and volunteers
- The provision of inaccurate information
- Fundraising activities, campaigns or practices
A request to amend contact details, cancel a donation or unsubscribe from a Sarcoma UK service, will not be classified as a complaint.
How to make a complaint
If you wish to make a formal complaint about the service you have received, please do so by one of the following methods:
- sending an email to
- calling Karen Young, Director of Finance & Resources on 0207 856 0445
- writing to Karen Young, Director of Finance & Resources, Sarcoma UK, 1 St John’s Lane, London, EC1M 4AR
Please include your name, address, contact telephone number and as much detail as possible, so we can respond efficiently.
What will happen once you have made a complaint?
We will acknowledge and make an initial response to all complaints that we receive within ten working days. We expect most complaints to be resolved within that time.
Internally, we will decide the best department to deal with your complaint and an investigation will take place. Our Director of Finance & Resources will ensure this process is managed from start to finish.
If we need to conduct further investigations, we will aim to provide a full response within 30 days of receipt of the complaint. If the concern is particularly complex an immediate response may not be possible, we will however notify you of any delay and will investigate the matter and get back to you as quickly as we can.
The results of these investigations and any subsequent actions will be outlined to you and we will ask you to confirm that your complaint has been resolved to your satisfaction.
You will be able to use the full range of services offered by Sarcoma UK during and after your complaint, and you will be treated fairly and with respect at all times.
What if you are dissatisfied with our response?
We really hope that we are able to resolve your complaint in an honest, open and satisfactory way. However, we recognise that, from time to time, people may be unhappy with the response we provide. If you remain dissatisfied with our response to your complaint, we will refer this to our Chief Executive, who will investigate further in order to try to rectify your complaint.
Sarcoma UK is a member of the Fundraising Standards Board (FRSB). This is the charity sector’s self-regulatory scheme and, as a member of the scheme, we follow the Institute of Fundraising’s Code of Fundraising Practice and comply with key principles embodied in the Code.
If your concern is regarding fundraising and you feel that we have not resolved this to your satisfaction then the FRSB can investigate your concern. You must contact them within two months of receiving your final response from us. Further information can be found on the FRSB website.
Personal information
If you use our complaints procedure, you are agreeing that Sarcoma UK can use your personal details for purposes connected with resolving your complaint. All complaints will be securely recorded on our system capturing all relevant information such as date received, contact details and as much information as possible relating to the complaint. We will only share your personal details with your permission. For more information see our Privacy Policy.