Advantages and disadvantages of genomic testing | Sarcoma UK
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Advantages and disadvantages of genomic testing

Before going ahead with genomic testing, it’s important to understand the advantages and disadvantages that can come with it.


Advantages of genomic testing

The results from your genomic test can help:

  • Confirm your diagnosis on a genetic level
  • Inform on which treatments are the most appropriate for your subtype
  • Make sure you don’t receive the wrong treatment for you, some of which can have negative side effects
  • Give a likely outlook on your disease so you can make informed choices on your treatment and quality of life decisions
  • Identify you as eligible to receive treatments or take part in clinical trials
  • Identify abnormalities in your DNA which could offer information about any hereditary conditions that could affect you or your family.


Disadvantages of genomic testing

While genomic testing for sarcoma can clearly be helpful, it can also come with some disadvantages.

  • Sometimes, the results can cause stress or anxiety
  • Your results may be unclear, meaning you have to undergo further tests
  • The results can be complex, and it’s possible they might be misunderstood

It’s important to talk with your doctor about any concerns you have before deciding to have genomic testing.


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